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September 30, 2010 Newsletter

Hi All!

I certainly do have a lot of news to impart, considering it's been less than 3 weeks since my last e-mail. I guess I'm finally getting my act together! (Either that, or Mom's finally gotten me to sit down... There are a lot of pumpkins still to pick!)

Firstly, the farm stand will be open 6 days a week starting tomorrow! We'll be open any day that the weather permits except Tuesdays until the end of October. Saturday and Sunday we'll be open from 9ish to dusk. Weekdays will depend a bit on how long all my other work takes, but 4:00 will be the latest we would start. Sorry I can't be more definitive, with only two people farming, time is hard to gauge.

After October, you can still order our eggs, veg, and squash via the web-site. Remember to check what we have at http://www.jayhillfarm.com/order.html !

Also, please remember that the days are getting shorter. If you can't get by the stand before dark, you can still order before 8 a.m. the day of, to pick up in the fridge. We've go the motion sensor lights set up still, so you can swing by any time!

With regards to my promise of more fruit, we're having some serious raccoon trouble here on the farm. They ate virtually all of the Italian plums (HUNDREDS!) in less than 3 days. I picked a bunch of nice ones, but had left some to finish ripening. They're gone now, but the ones I harvested before are safe and sound. I'm putting them up on the site to order, but we're putting a cap of 1 pound per person, per day on them, so that all of you can get at least a few. There REALLY aren't that many. *sigh*

I'm also currently picking our Japanese peaches. They're a little more citrus flavored and dry, with a loose stone, but they've got a great flavor. I'm hoping I can get them all picked by the end of today so that they'll be safe. And we've still got pears!

We also have a few of our mini-melons left. They're very sweet and musky. None of them are bigger than a softball and we're pricing them at $1.00 each, so they're a nice in-expensive treat!

In more mundane news, I've got the twitter feed and our facebook page linked now! You can follow our exploits and get picture updates of the farm by "liking" us on Facebook or signing up for our twitter feed. I'll have links at the end of the e-mail.

The tomatoes are doing great, but we're still waiting on the San Marzanos for paste making. Sorry guys, there are so many huge, green ones, I'm praying for another week of good weather! I'm also adding green tomatoes (nice big slicers!) to the site for y'all, so get 'em while I've got 'em!

Last, but not least, we're adding a new little program that I think will be fun, that will last as long as it looks like y'all like it! I'm going to keep a list of folks who order during a month, and then use a random number generator to choose one of you to win a $10 gift certificate that is good for anything but eggs! We're also going to draw the name of one customer we had an order from in at least 2 months... Just in case we can lure you back into our evil clutches!

Since we plan on having chard, kale, arugula, mizuna, salad mix, beets, turnips, radishes, spinach (fingers crossed!), and winter squash throughout the winter, there should be plenty to choose from. Or, if you'd like, you can transfer the credit to a friend, just let me know!

Welcome to all of you who have joined us in the last few weeks, we're so glad to have you as a part of our community and family! Cheers, Rowan

Follow us on twitter! http://twitter.com/jayhillfarm or like us on Facebook!
All images and information copyright Rowan Rozanski 2005-2011

Blue Jay photo courtesy of Bill Schmoker Photography