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May 28, 2010 Newsletter

Hi Everybody!

As usual, the e-mails are randomly timed with the changing of my inclinations, though I can say this one is long overdue.

Things are FINALLY starting to get moving at the pace I'm accustomed to here on the farm.

After one of the longest, coldest springs in my memory, I'm playing a never-ending game of catch-up to get our crops in the field.

While Mom's out running the farm stand today, I'll be prepping the field for our tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini... all the wonderful summer crops we all crave as steaming hot days, such as yesterday, become more frequent.

That being said, I'm not sure when the next e-mail will be, so hold on to your hats and glasses kids, this is one long ride!

Firstly, this weekend is Creekfest, as I mentioned in the subject line.

What this means is even less parking than usual down at market and an abbreviated area for sellers.

If you'd rather not brave the masses, remember you can stop by our farm stand today from 12-6 or tomorrow from 9-5.

Mom and I would love to see you!

What, you ask, will you be selling Rowan?

  • Chard
  • Arugula
  • Mizuna
  • Baby Mustard Greens
  • Rhubarb
  • Spring Garlic
  • Turnips
  • Baby Turnip Greens
  • Baby Beet Greens
  • Asparagus (while it lasts)
  • Broccoli (while it lasts)
  • Salad Mix (of COURSE!) :)
  • Iris Bouquets
  • Horseradish
  • White Icicle Radishes
  • Mint (Mojitos!)
  • Rosemary
  • Dill

So stop by and check out the copious parking and maybe even the baby ducks that have been swimming around in our pumpkin patch!

In other news, our good friends at Restaurant 4580, who are FAR more organized than I am, have set up the schedule for our Farm to Table Dinners for this year.

Asparagus was almost a disaster due to Mother Nature freezing our asparagus every time it popped its little head above ground, but we got her done!

Here's the rest of the year's schedule now that I'm not having panic attacks thinking about it.

  • June 25 - Rhubarb
  • July 15 - Zucchini
  • August 26 - Tomatoes
  • September 16 - Peppers
  • September 30 - Eggplant

Further details to come as Chef Marcus puts together his menus for these wonderful events!

The last great news for this spring e-mail is that our fruit appears to have survived the incredibly cold spring of doom. At last check, there are fruit set on our strawberries, Italian plums, peaches, apples, dewberries and a couple other random trees that have done nothing for at least 4 years... so I can't remember what they are. *Sheepish Grin*

So, look forward to a wonderful year of fresh fruit from right here in Boulder County!

Okay, apparently I have less to say than I thought... or I just haven't had enough coffee. Either way, I'll leave you to your beautiful day and hope that y'all have a WONDERFUL Memorial Day weekend!



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All images and information copyright Rowan Rozanski 2005-2011

Blue Jay photo courtesy of Bill Schmoker Photography